Conference • Bratislava

ICJW European Conference

Revival of Jewish cultural heritage - comeback to traditions: culture, education, family, kashrut is motto for ICJW European Conference in 2024. The program will be open by Mayer of Bratislava Ing. arch. Vallo and President of Slovakia Zuzana Čaputová (tbc) on Sunday, May 19, 2024. The second day of the conference is focused on situation in Slovakia, there will be lectures given by Dr. Michal Vanek (Director of the Jewish Museum Bratislava), Dr. Marta Gyoriova (President of the Slovak ICJW affiliate Association Ester Košice), Dr. Martin Korčok (Director of the Holocaust Museum Sereď), Anna Makowka (Program manager of the Jewish agency Czulent in Krakow and expert for the democratization process), Katalin Pollner-Pecsi (President of the ICJW affiliate Esther House Budapest - experiences with anti-Gypsism and xenophobia) and Hanna Amira Kovhan (Ukrainian journalist and diplomat, living and working in Germany). There will be tour around Jewish Bratislava in the afternoon. The Tuesday May 21 morning program will offer workshops in smaller groups, and the afternoon will be dedicated to discussion panels. Among others Eva Salner (writer and translator from Bratislava), Rebbecin Chanie Myers (owner of the Jewish School) and Helena Klimova (Psychotherapist and founding member of the Czech affiliate, hidden child) will take part in the program. The concluding panel discussions provide a space for sharing experiences, mutual understanding, and time for setting public statement.
Seminar/workshop • Bar

Workshop on the EU regional policy in Montenegro

The workshop will bring together 22 participants from the Montenegrin government/line ministries, national and regional development implementing agencies, local self-governments, local utility sectors, and students, as well as up to 5 researchers and 3 project team members. The goal of the workshop is to facilitate knowledge transfer, experience sharing and lessons learned from the EU regional policy implementation and the accession negotiation experiences with a focus on specific chapters related to regional policy and coordination of structural funds. The topic will also include an analysis of key challenges for participation in the decision-making process for better economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU. The workshop will be opened with a block about the importance of the European Union’s Regional Policy and its implementation in the Visegrad region, and the challenges of today (based on research results from the e-book). Every presentation will be followed by interactive discussions and debates among the participants. Experts from Montenegro and Serbia will focus on educating participants on the national regional policies and path towards the EU regional policy, which is the essence of accession talks in Chapter 22. Regional policy and coordination of structural funds. This will also serve as input for the Revised action plan for fulfillment of closing benchmarks for chapter 22 and its financial assessment since there will be representatives from the responsible line ministries. The workshop will also present findings from surveys related to regional policy, agriculture, and rural and infrastructural development.
Festival • Nyíregyháza

Local Product Festival in Nyíregyháza

We will organize an event called Local Product Festival on the main square of Nyíregyháza as the closing event of the project where local producers, craftsmen and artisans from Nyíregyháza will present their products. We will also invite 3 producers / artisans from the partner countries as well. Two represetatives of the partners are also invited to present the achieved results. Promotion of event on social media so the relevant information about the event can reaches as many people as possible. Local producers participate in the event for free of charge.