Have your say on Europe’s future

A unique moment where millions of Europeans can decide on the future of European democracy is here! Between 6 and 9 June you can participate in shaping the future of the EU by electing Members of the European Parliament.
Throughout the years, the EU has provided support for the V4 region, fostering economic growth and regional cooperation. Despite some differences in opinions and policymaking, the V4 countries still see a strong democratic EU as central to their partnership.
The Visegrad Fund reflects this responsibility for the region by supporting initiatives in 7 main areas, one of which is democratic values. The Fund also promotes educational programs and academic exchanges, encouraging democratic practices and cultural awareness across Central Europe, Western Balkans, and Eastern Partnership.
We encourage you to stand for democracy in the V4 region, do not hesitate to use your vote and decide on the future of European Union in the upcoming days!